About Spellbound.
I'm Anne Randall, the owner of Spellbound. If you are worried about your own or your child's literacy skills, I'm here to help.
I have always had a passion for English and studied both English Language and Linguistics at degree level before embarking on my teaching career of 20 years. In addition to my Qualified Teacher Status, I hold the Postgraduate Diploma in Dyslexia and Literacy which qualifies me as teacher and assessor. I am a Member of The Dyslexia Guild, P.A.T.O.S.S.(Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties). I am British Dyslexia Association approved and hold the A.T.S. (Approved Teacher Status) and the A.M.B.D.A (Associate Member of the British Dyslexia Association). I also hold a current A.P.C (Assessment Practising Certificate).
My decision to train as a specialist was made, primarily, as I didn’t feel that the needs of an increasing number of children were adequately met by what mainstream schools had to offer. This is not a criticism of schools, but rather reflects the lack of appropriate training opportunities and resources available. The majority of schools do not have staff with the expertise to be able to devise and deliver the type of specialist help that a dyslexic learner needs to fulfill their potential. Difficulties with reading and spelling are the most apparent aspects Dyslexic students exhibit but their needs are complex.
This is where Spellbound can help. I am committed to providing individualised learning programmes taking into account pupil strengths, areas for development, preferred learning styles and interests. My aim is to ensure pupils reach their potential through enjoyable and successful learning experiences, developing learning strategies, improving reading and spelling skills and helping to develop confidence and self-esteem.
In addition, I offer a range of assessments.
Anne Randall