“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”.
Benjamin Franklin
"If children can’t learn the way we teach, then we have to teach them the way they learn”.Robert Buck
What is Specialist tuition?
What happens during a tutoring session?
Who is it suitable for?
Who is it suitable for?
People with literacy difficulties do not just ‘pick up’ literacy skills. They have to be taught deliberately which is best done in a one-to-one situation, in a way which is structured, cumulative and multi-sensory. They need lots of opportunities to reinforce, practise and apply a new skill. Every lesson is tailored to individual needs and builds on previous learning meaning they are never asked to do something which is very different to what they’ve already come across.
Younger children are likely to require a more phonemic approach initially, whereas older learners are more likely to start on areas such as suffixing, punctuation, reading comprehension and so forth but each programme is tailored to individual requirements. Phonics, Spelling, Reading and Writing feature throughout as do activities to support memory and listening.
As it is tailored to the individual, tuition is suitable for all learners from 4 years.
How much does it cost?
Lessons are charged at £42 per hour at the tutor's premises.